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jAImee The world’s first AI virtual assistant therapist*

*jAImee is the only AI virtual therapist that can be overseen and refined by mental health practitioners.

jAImee is the heart of ANTSA's innovative approach to mental health care.  As an AI therapy chatbot, jAImee is designed to bridge the gap between sessions, offering clients continuous support and interaction.  Using advanced algorithms and therapeutic principles, jAImee can provide coping strategies, mood tracking, and empathetic responses tailored to each client's needs.

For clinicians, jAImee offers valuable insights and data, helping to inform and enhance clinical decisions.  Whether as a companion or a tool for analysis, jAImee represents a groundbreaking step in integrating AI with mental health care.

jAImee - FAQ's

What is jAImee?

jAImee is the world’s first Artificial Intelligence (AI) virtual assistant therapist chatbot that is overlooked and refined by practitioners developed in house with it’s own software.

Do all my client’s have access to jAImee? Wouldn’t that make me redundant?

No, as a mental health professional, you have the authority to assign jAImee to your clients or not. This ensures that each client's experience with jAImee is guided by a practitioner's expertise, making the therapeutic journey more personal and effective. jAImee is not intended to replace traditional therapy or the value of human connection, which remains irreplaceable. It only serves as a supplementary tool to enhance therapeutic support and client engagement.

If my client uses jAImee between sessions how do I know what is being said?

If assigned, the client can access jAImee any time they need to talk to someone, and jAImee (trained to demonstrate therapist traits) responds empathetically and positively. The practitioner has access to review the conversation logs which helps gain valuable insights, helping better understand the clients' needs and progress. This feature ensures that jAImee's interactions are always in line with your therapeutic goals and professional standards.

Doesn’t this mean I have to do more work outside of sessions?

No, the point of jAImee and ANTSA is to provide the practitioner with greater insights into the client’s life between sessions that can aid as talking points in sessions. For example: You can spend 10 minutes at the start of every session with your client going over the conversations with jAImee, the homework tasks or messages to help guide the session, to be able to talk about things that they might have been to scared to bring up but spoke about it to jAImee. jAImee and ANTSA increases therapeutic relationships, increase the client’s knowledge, which makes therapy more seemless for the client and practitioner.

Can the ANTSA team see my clients’ conversations on ANTSA?

No, it cannot be overlooked by any one other than the treating professional. Even the team at ANTSA cannot see any identifiable data or information as it is all encrypted.

Is jAImee secure and confidential?

Security, privacy, and confidentiality are paramount in jAImee's design. All interactions are encrypted and securely stored on Australian servers, accessible only to authorised practitioners. We continuously update our security protocols to meet the latest standards.

What happens if my client tells jAImee they want to kill themselves?

Unlike some chatbots that have dangerously suggested methods of self-harm, jAImee has been meticulously trained to never provide or support any harmful advice, ensuring the utmost safety and care for clients. In fact, jAImee will offer emergency services for the client to contact.

Here in the practitioner version you can see that each response that jAImee gives can be refined by the practitioner by giving it a thumbs up or thumbs down. If the practitioner thumbs down a response they can write a more appropriate response. The new responses trains the language model to provide better therapeutic and empathetic responses in future.

Here in the client version you can see that jAImee provides the client with psychoeducation and empathy which is more than any other chatbots worldwide. There is always a disclaimer banner at the top of the chat explaining that the client is talking to AI and not a real person, and that their practitioner can oversee their conversation.

Have other questions about jAImee?