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Doesn’t this mean I have to do more work outside of sessions?

No, the point of jAImee and ANTSA is to provide the practitioner with greater insights into the client’s life between sessions that can aid as talking points in sessions. For example: You can spend 10 minutes at the start of every session with your client going over the conversations with jAImee, the homework tasks or messages to help guide the session, to be able to talk about things that they might have been to scared to bring up but spoke about it to jAImee. jAImee and ANTSA increases therapeutic relationships, increase the client’s knowledge, which makes therapy more seemless for the client and practitioner.

Doesn’t this mean I have to do more work outside of sessions?

No, the point of jAImee and ANTSA is to provide the practitioner with greater insights into the client’s life between sessions that can aid as talking points in sessions. For example: You can spend 10 minutes at the start of every session with your client going over the conversations with jAImee, the homework tasks or messages to help guide the session, to be able to talk about things that they might have been to scared to bring up but spoke about it to jAImee. jAImee and ANTSA increases therapeutic relationships, increase the client’s knowledge, which makes therapy more seemless for the client and practitioner.