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FREE Trial

We here at ANTSA are inviting mental health practitioners to trial our digital platform in your practices.

We are excited to offer ANTSA for FREE for 30 days and we seek honest and helpful feedback from you during that time to ensure that it meets your needs!  

We have intentionally decided not to collect Credit Card information during this trial because we do not want clients "forced" to remain due to forgetting to unsubscribe.  We believe that you will WANT to stay with ANTSA after your initial trial period, and we will welcome you to our platform.

Sign up for ANTSA here.  Or if you have any questions, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

**Please Note:  The Practitioner version is only available to be used on a computer at this time. The Client version is an app. and is therefore only available to be used on a smart phone.  This will change in future iterations...